Harnessing New Ways of Working to Meet Changing Citizen and Employee Expectations Across Local Government

Local government in Australia is in a precarious position at the moment. Overall, government is not very well trusted, and in general people have fear of change, but at the same time, councils need to be able to change and transform in order to keep up with the technology of our times and the expectations and even demands of their customers. Councils therefore need to walk a fine line, and need to be able to do it in a way that still serves their customers’ needs and provides all the services that their customers have become accustomed to. It is a difficult proposition, but if they embrace technology and plan for the future, then councils will be able to overcome the fear, win back the trust of their communities and become the trusted services providers that they were designed to be.
In this report we explore the current Local Government landscape across Australia with a focus on top priorities, strengths and challenges. Further, we’ll delve into firsthand case studies and share insights from Local Government leaders from around the country to learn how technology and culture are combining to help build the local government of the future.
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